Have just heard from Ricochet that my little chapbook, Let The Rivers Clap Their Hands has made Small Press Distribution's Best Seller List. I can only guess that someone is buying copies in order to smuggle something nefarious here and there. Either way, lovely news.
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Am happy to say that my little chapbook, BLACKJACK!, has been named a semi-finalist in Black Lawrence's Black River Prize. Many talented poets and writers named to the finalist lists--congrats, all, and good luck!
So pleased to share that The Kenyon Review has accepted my story, If There Is Need Of Blessings, for a 2017 issue. It's set during Halloween, but I don't believe spooky is the right word for it. Stay happy and healthy until then.
Friends, Ricochet Editions has just let me know that my chapbook, Let The Rivers Clap Their Hands is fresh from the printer and ready for you to read. Many thanks to the lovely Lisa Locascio, Diana Arterian, and the Ricochet team for publishing it--the cover suits me more than it should, probably. And to Michael Griffith, Leah Stewart, and Chris Bachelder at UC for saying such kind things about it.
![]() It's an honor to say that RopeWalk Press has just named my chapbook, Blackjack, first runner-up in the Editor's Fiction Chapbook Prize. Many congratulations to the winner, Raymond Fleischmann, and to the other finalists--many of them friends and familiars. It's always a delight to be on a list with all of you. I'm very honored and excited to announce that Ricochet Editions will be publishing my chapbook, LET THE RIVERS CLAP THEIR HANDS, next month. Inside, you'll find two of my stories, Love Me, and the World is Mine, and the title story, Let the Rivers Clap Their Hands. The stories previously appeared in The Literary Review and TINGE. It has been such a pleasure to work with Ricochet these last few weeks. Many thanks to them for their time and efforts--the chap is looking pretty nifty.
![]() A delight to hear that my novel-in-stories is still chugging along, and was a semi-finalist in Black Balloon Publishing's Horatio Nelson Fiction Prize. Many thanks to Black Balloon for all of their time and effort. And, of course, congratulations to the winner, Tegan Nia Swanson, and all those who shook out as finalists and semi-finalists. It's been my pleasure these last few weeks to have done interviews with Yemassee and Niche.
Niche asked about my experiences in the University of Cincinnati's doctoral program, and Yemassee wondered about my inspiration behind the story, Prelude to an Autobiography, which appears in their latest issue. In following with the long tradition of interviews, I likely learned more by answering their questions than anyone will by reading my answers. Happy October, friends. Clip clop. I'm honored to be named a semi-finalist for the 2014 Hudson Prize. Some good company on that list. Many thanks to Black Lawrence Press for the kind words on our books, books that grab us by the throat and hit us in the heart bone. Congrats, all! Click to set custom HTML |
Katherine ZlabekArchives
September 2019